Rebecca Carrell


Hi! Thank you for stopping by. By order of importance, I call myself a joyful Jesus-follower, wife to Mike, mom to two teenagers (gulp), lover of coffee, and friend to many. You also might say I’m a radio dinosaur, having worked on-air in the Dallas/Fort Worth area since 1998—in talk radio, country music, and Christian.
90.9 KCBI was my most recent radio home. I stepped down in October of 2021 to take a position at Dallas Theological Seminary. Now I get to pour into the next generation of leaders, and I love cheering students on. Interested in exploring seminary? Click HERE.

That’s my highlight reel. The raw footage paints a different picture. At age twelve, I began to suffer from severe, generalized anxiety but wasn’t diagnosed until my thirties. My story also includes over twenty years of alcoholism and seventeen years of bulimia. Jesus met me amid the self-made mess and rescued me from myself. I’m still broken. Current struggles include ongoing anxiety, insecurity, and a massive fear of rejection. Jesus hasn’t given up on me yet, though, and he’ll never give up on you. When we meet in person, we’ll talk about Jesus. A lot. Those who know me best can’t agree on my Enneagram number—it’s a three-way tie between a 1w2, a 2w1, or a 3w2. Just call me a shape-shifting hot mess. Spare time hobbies? Hmmm. Theology. Bible study. Studying the Bible in Greek (really). Writing. Marathon gab/counseling/problem-solving sessions with Amanda. Power walking with Amy. “Things We Can’t Tweet” text threads with Kelley, Sandi, and Mary. Podcasting with Liz-Rod-on-the-Pod. Running. Finding the perfect gift for someone I love. How about you? Please feel free to reach out through social media or by clicking “contact.”

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Doing everything possible using all means possible to reach as many people as possible

for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Much like yours, my story is still in process. I hope to spend the rest of my days telling people about Jesus and his saving grace. Right now, that’s through teaching, podcasting, Bible studies, the occasional blog post, conferences, and retreats. I hope and pray the content you find here blesses you.